Goal: To increase diversity, equity, and inclusion by creating welcoming communities and workplaces. 

Key Partners: Organizations working on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Continually analyze United Way of Windham County workplace culture and identity and make necessary changes to ensure internal workplace is diverse, equitable, and inclusive among staff, Board members, and volunteers.

Collaborate with community partners to ensure diversity in workplace culture by providing training and coaching initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Continue service and participation local committees and initiatives focusing on diverse workforce strategies.

Explore and respond to opportunities to support community-driven initiatives focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Goal: To increase the capacity of Windham County’s mission-driven organizations to respond to community needs by initiating, cultivating, and supporting community partnerships.
Key partners: Windham County nonprofits and mission-driven organizations.

Serve as fiscal agent for mission-driven organizations as needed.

Solicit, provide, and manage funding and funds that respond to specific community needs and align with United Way of Windham County’s focus on equitable outcomes.

Convene partners and facilitate nonprofit response to crisis when it arises.

Explore and respond to opportunities to facilitate collaborative or cross-sector efforts within Windham County’s nonprofit and mission-driven community, with a particular focus on efforts that align with this plan’s areas of focus.