Our UWWC Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of all those who have chosen to leave a legacy gift, of any amount, through estate or planned gifts. Your legacy gift to UWWC tells the story of your love for your community. The decision to make a planned gift captures your caring power and your belief in investing in the future. These gifts are critical to UWWC’s ability to change lives today, tomorrow and well into the future.
Join UWWC Legacy Club by:
♦ Making a bequest in your will
♦ Donating a life insurance policy
♦ Giving through your retirement plan
♦ Contributing appreciated securities (stock, bonds, mutual fund shares, etc.)
♦ Giving through donor advised fund, a charitable annuity or a charitable trust
Some benefits of planned giving:
♦ Reduction or elimination of your capital gains tax on appreciated assets such as securities.
♦ Increased income for you or a person you designate as a beneficiary.
♦ Reduction of your income tax (charitable income tax deduction).
♦ Decreased tax liability with the transfer of assets at your death.
Since 1958, United Way of Windham County has improved lives through Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education initiatives. Your legacy will allow for many more years of success and improvement in this community.
Interested in next steps?
Your financial or legal advisor can provide additional benefits and avenues to suit your needs. Give us a call at 802.257.4011, and let us know you've joined our legacy club!
A charitable bequest could be the most important gift you ever make - and the easiest!
Your legacy gift to UWWC tells the story of your love for your community. The decision to make a planned gift captures your caring power and your belief in investing in the future.