Career Opportunities
Become a Board Member
United Way of Windham County is now looking to fill two Board Member seats. We are looking for people that share a commitment to our values, mission, and strategic decisions. Here you can find our Strategic Plan One-Pager to see how we envision UWWC growing over the next 5 years.
We expect that Board Members have knowledge of our programs, services, strengths, and needs. As a Board Member we also hope that you bring a level of openness to share and hear ideas, or ask questions. Here is a full description of the Duties and Responsibilities of a Board Member.
If you are interested in becoming a Board Member, please contact us at 802-257-4011 or info@unitedwaywindham.org.
Windham County Dental Center Opportunities
Immediate Opening: United Way of Windham County is seeking a full time Dental Assistant to join our team at the Windham County Dental Center located in Brattleboro, Vermont. Ideal candidate will have a high level of organizational and interpersonal skills along with being a forward-thinking individual. On job training available to qualified candidate. We offer excellent benefits which include paid time off, retirement account, short- and long-term disability, life insurance and health insurance.
Established by a partnership between Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and United Way of Windham County, the Windham County Dental Center opened its doors in 2019, providing all residents of Windham County, including Medicaid patients, access to high quality oral care. Join our team of dedicated, passionate professionals helping alleviate the barriers between affordable dental care.
Click here to see the complete Dental Assistant job description
To Apply: Please submit your resume and cover letter to smile@windhamcountydentalcenter.org
United Way of Windham County is committed to guaranteeing equitable opportunity to all qualified applicants and to all employees. We will not discriminate with respect to initial appointment, advancement, and general working conditions against any person regardless of their age, race, biological sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religious or political affiliation, or disabilities. United Way of Windham County is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we encourage people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ applicants, and people from other underrepresented groups to apply, recognizing and respecting those diverse perspectives and experiences are valuable to our team and essential to fully serving our community.